Thursday, December 3, 2015

Who am I

Somedays I am beautiful; somedays I am ugly, somedays I am funny;somedays I am morose, somedays I am social; somedays I am secluded, somedays I am loyal; somedays I am promiscuous.
I was not born to please you with my consistency. I was born to disrupt you with my erraticism !  For, consistency is too dull a virtue to live with in this single life.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

More so..

Life is tough. The mornings more so. The festive season is melancholy, the birthdays more so. Living a normal life is tough, pretending to be normal more so. Escaping your absence was tough, accepting you are not there more so...

Sunday, August 23, 2015

One fine night, when the storm in his head had subsided, he looked back and re-calibrated everything that went wrong. "I guess, it was never worth it !", he told himself and embraced the sleep he had been missing since he moved to the new city.